Zaster, Zins und freie Märkte, niemals Rast noch Ruhestand!
Teure Heimat schwarzer Zahlen, schärf mir Zähne und Verstand!
Nagus, schütz vor Inflationen, lieber tot als abgebrannt!
Blüh‘ im goldgepressten Glanze, blühe Wirtschaftswunderland!
Blüh‘ im goldgepressten Glanze, blüh‘, Ferènginar, mein Vater…
Oh, Vulcan vast, red ball of barren land!
Strong minds and lungs in all thy sons command.
The Terrans say we need a song
though we do not see just why –
we did not choose our place of birth
so pride does not apply.
For concord’s sake – let us agree:
Vulcan, thou art and hence we live on thee!
Vulcan, thou art and hence we live …
Oh, say, can’t you see by our weapons bright shine
we are stalwart, we’re strong, we are better than you, jerk,
if you differ – go sit on my bat’leth and whine,
if you act up – don’t bitch if our warriors go berserk.
Through the phasers red beams, through your blood and your screams,
you will come to agree we’re yet worse than we seem.
Obey, all you weaklings who wash, comb and shave!
Can’t you tell by the smell? Here’s the home of the brave!
(Lyrics: Eva Van Daele-Hunt, based on the National Anthems of Germany, Canada and the U.S.A.)